Cannabis plants can be a part of a cancer patient’s palliative care. The plant contains various components, like cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol, which have sparked the widespread interest of many medical professionals because of the many benefits that they can provide.
Since many people can die from cancer each year, others are curious and ask questions like can cannabis help in cancer treatment, and the answer is yes. However, it’s important to note that this is not the actual cure, and it often accompanies one’s diet and medications as one hopes for remission.
This plant is known for its medicinal uses, so it’s no surprise that researchers are exploring its potential to ease the burden of many patients. While the effects are still being studied, the role of taking these extracts in improving a cancer patient’s life while undergoing treatment is now gaining traction.
Most of the time, many may experience debilitating symptoms like pain when they have cancer. Others who are undergoing therapy treatments several times a month may also experience loss of appetite, and while traditional medications are available, they often have adverse side effects.
On the other hand, cannabis is known to be more organic, which helps people manage their symptoms. This is becoming evident in the emerging scientific studies that aim to discover how cannabis plants can complement the conventional therapies that many patients undergo.
What’s the Role of Cannabis in Managing Symptoms?
Cannabis is well-known for its quality of alleviating pain, so patients who can’t sleep because of twinges will find the relief that they need.
When psychoactive compounds like THC act on the body’s endocannabinoid system, it’s going to change the pain perception in many people. They may feel relief that’s not addicting, unlike taking opioids.

There’s also a lesser risk of dependency when using more organic methods. See information about tetrahydrocannabinol when you click here.
Cannabis is also widely recognized for its effectiveness in combating nausea associated with chemotherapy. These symptoms can be so severe that they deter patients from attending treatment schedules. Now, there are approved medications derived from the plant, such as dronabinol, that are already used to treat chemotherapy-induced nausea, and many reported that they find more relief from using these more organic options compared to synthetic ones.
Another benefit that many people get from taking Delta 9 vape is increased appetite. Most of the time, cancer patients may experience severe weight loss, and when taking strains that are high in tetrahydrocannabinol, they can maintain their current nutritional intake. This is very important for their overall well-being and to help their body fight against the tumors that are inside them.
Help with the Regulation of Emotions
Being diagnosed with cancer can be devastating for a lot of families. It’s simply overwhelming, and it can cause a lot of anxiety, which affects a lot of patients’ lives. Cannabis has a CBD component that’s known for its ability to reduce anxiety.
It’s calming when used without the need to produce a high, and getting a more balanced approach can often help a lot of people get over their situations. It’s also helpful for people who have insomnia because cannabis can help restore healthy patterns in many individuals, including completing at least eight hours of sleep. As a result, this increases their energy levels during the day and helps them cope with their treatments.
Potential Anti-Cancer Properties
THC has demonstrated its ability to inhibit cancerous cell proliferation and induce necrosis on multiple myeloma cells. Danish studies have used cannabis treatments in over two thousand patients and reported that about 77% of them experienced positive effects.

Studies in 2016 also published that THC can limit and even kill cancer cells to prevent them from spreading to other parts of the body. In mice studies, CBD is known to be more active against fighting cancer cells, and it limits the growth of neuroblastoma that you can see info in this link:
However, know that these findings are still in their early stages of research, and the precise effect of marijuana on mesothelioma tumor progression is still being studied. It’s best to still consult your medical doctor for advice.
Legal and Safety Considerations
The legality of cannabis can still vary across various states within the USA. Across the globe, other countries have fully legalized its use for both recreational and medical purposes, while others strictly prohibit it. Patients who want to consider cannabis should do some research about its legality in the city where they’re in, and they should consult their medical provider to be on the safe side.
While a small amount of THC can be well tolerated by the body, one should also consider its side effects. Higher doses can lead to impaired memory or dry mouth, so it’s best to take a small amount first and see how the body will react. Drug interactions can also be a concern, and it’s best if this is taken under medical supervision.